Mount Olivet (Aurora)

Contact Information

Mount Olivet Cemetery
278 Ashland Avenue
Aurora, Illinois, 60505

Tel: (630) 897-9250
Fax: (630) 897-9261

Amy Jurewicz, Manager

Operating Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM, Closed Weekends

Location & Directions

Mount Olivet Cemetery is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Ashland Avenue in Aurora, Illinois.

Driving Directions Click here for directions to this facility.

Available Services

In Ground Burial

Cremation Niches


History & Facilities

The first burials in Mount Olivet Cemetery were prior to 1850. The cemetery is a Diocesan Cemetery of the Diocese of Rockford, Illinois, and services the various parishes located in the southern Fox Valley area. The cemetery has available grave spaces, mausoleum crypts and mausoleum niches for cremated remains. A variety of vaults, markers and memorials, vases and decorations are also available to the Catholic families that we serve. The cemetery office is located in the southeast corner of the cemetery at 278 Ashland Avenue, Aurora, Illinois 60505; (630)897-9250.

Photo Gallery

Click here to view photos from this facility.